1. Entre as Galinhas e o Kosovo - novo projecto de Ivo Martins +Xana no site do MOMS dedicado ao Kosovo/ New Project from Ivo Martins +Xana in the Kosovo Crisis pages ===>>>

    2. Jam Echelon Day (mirror site) ===>>>

    1. Diálogo alquímico no PRÉVIA (21.11.99) / Alchemic dialogue at PRÉVIA (21.11.99) ===>>>

    2. O Museu da Estratégia Moderna e a participação no Projecto [.format] da Convex.tv / The Museum of Modern Strategy invitated to take part in the Convex.tv's [.format] project. ===>>>

    1. Mute Life dept ===>>>

    1. stratfor.com - Source for International *strategic* news ===>>>

    2. Acción Paralela: Ensayo Teoría e Crítica del Arte contemporaneo ===>>>

    3. Zingmagazine ===>>>

    4. netradio OZOne ===>>>

    5. Critical Art Ensemble ===>>>


  1. Museum of Modern Strategy / Museu da Estratégia Moderna : KOSOVO CRISIS project

    As páginas do MOMS sobre o Kosovo alojadas a VIROSE continuam activas e acabam de receber uma outra actualização profunda [ver http://www.virose.pt/moms_uk/kosovo.html]

    Publicamos agora um novo projecto conjunto de Ivo Martins (texto) e Xana (grafismo) [*Entre as galinhas e o Kosovo*] que pretende colocar o epicentro da discussão nos fenómenos ligados à mediatização dos acontecimentos recentes
    na área dos Balcãs:
    "O que nos falta ainda para que o acto televisivo não seja considerado um caso de polícia indicativo de delinquência agravada e indiciador de patologia gravemente acrescida?"

    KOSOVO CRISIS - Um projecto concebido numa colaboração entre o e-zine vector e o Museu da Estratégia Moderna.
    Repensando a história a partir da situação actual na Europa. Uma rede de relações montada pela equipa do MOMS e aberta a todo o tipo de colaborações.

    The MOMS pages on the Kosovo's "crisis" are still alive and received a new update again[see
    http://www.virose.pt/moms_uk/kosovo.html ]

    There is now a new text - *As galinhas e o Kosovo* - a joint-venture
    between Ivo Martins and Xana. Unfortunately, the text is presented only in portuguese. We would
    appreciate some help on the translations...

  2. O dia 21 de Outubro foi o primeiro Jam Echelon Day. A virose, em parceria com o Museu da Estratégia Moderna associa-se aqui a este projecto disponibilizando um espelho do site original em http://www.virose.pt/moms/partners/echelon.

    Ver também:

    October 21st, 1999 was "Jam Echelon Day". The Museum Of Modern Strategy just created a mirror site for this project on the Viroserver:

    See also:

    Following some discussions on the Hacktivism mailing list, October 21st, 1999 was named "Jam Echelon Day". This was significant because it marks both the first large scale grass-roots effort to "jam up" the works of theglobal surveillance system operated by the US/UK/Australian/New Zealand Governments known as "Echelon" and because it co-incides with Stop Police Brutality Day. While the goal of "jamming up" Echelon is a lofty and likely unattainable one, is it not better to signal displeasure at being monitored than passively allow it to happen? We believe so."


  1. O colectivo editorial da VIROSE irá participar na primeira edição do PRÈVIA -- electro.music,
    video.art, net.art, que decorrrerá em Almada entre 19 e 21 de Novembro.
    A participação da VIROSE terá lugar no dia 21, Domingo, e constará de uma palestra/debate em torno das questões ligadas à relação entre arte e tecnologia, com o título
    O Impulso Alquímico: Fricções entre arte e tecnologia neste final de século [ver texto].

      Domingo 21 NovControl.net.art
      15h00 – 18h00
      Sala Polivalente
      Coordenadores: Miguel Leal, Cristina Mateus, Fernando José Pereira (www.virose.pt)
      Formato: palestra
      Lotação: 30 vagas
      Entrada: inscrição prévia, grátis
      19. 20. 21. Nov 1999
      Forum Municipal Romeu Correia

      Mais informações em www.viatura.org/previa


    O PréVia é a edição número zero do projecto Via, que passa pela instituição de um evento bienal, dedicado ao diálogo ent re arte, ciência e tecnologia. Num contexto introdutório, a Viatura, grupo de trabalho responsável pela concepção, coordenação e realização destes projectos, optou por uma abordagem a três áreas: música electrónica, video art e internet art, assente na assimilação e discussão de conhecimentos, debate de ideias e apresentação de projectos. As próprias áreas e a relação entre elas, surgem como tema desta edição. Apesar do seu formato introdutório, o PréVia, pretende ir para além da mera apresentação, experimentando linhas gerais de reflexão e de funcionamento de um projecto assente num trabalho contínuo. O Via surge da confluência de vários interesses, entre os quais, o activismo cultural, o reconhecimento de tendências artísticas e a motivação e apresentação pública do diálogo entre diferentes áreas e a diferentes níveis.

  2. O Museu da estratégia Moderna foi convidado a colaborar com o projecto [.format], promovido pela convex.tv de Berlim. A participação do MOMS tomou a forma de uma peça sonora intitulada CLAUSEWITZ: A TRANSLATION [1.0]

    The Museum of Modern Strategy was invitated o take part in the Convex.tv's
    [.format] project.. The sound piece was created translating directly a .txt file to a .aiff file. No filters. The same bytes. Only some later studio work. It's a kind of musical rectified ready-made and it's also about translating a text to a raw audio format. We have the same components but no content at all (at least the not original one). The text *translated* into a new format is part of Clausewitz's "On war". For the Museum of Modern Strategy the Format invitation was a important opportunity to start developing new fields of work. First, by *creating* sound pieces, and second having the opportunity to splinter the contents of some war theory classics (as the MOMS had done in other occasions, but not exactly with sound).
    And right now the MUSEUM is working on a all new range of sound pieces (ready-mades and rectified ready-mades) in collaboration with Mute Life Dept.. A CD will be printed in late december (for Xmas?!?). The Cd will be about the complete Clausewitz's book and it will probably be called CLAUSEWITZ: A TRANSLATION.


      [.format] and format.

      With its project [.format] convex tv. is unreservedly sifting through one of the invisible techno-cultural variables. [.format] is touching on the normative conditions of cultural and technical formats, but also on aesthetic performances and artistic techniques which question the conditions and the contexts at work.

      The project consists of different modules. From July to December 1999 convex tv. is broadcasting as usual, but also in new and unexpected formats live on the net and on air. The project started wih the semi-interactive installation [.format 0.1] in New York in May 1999 and will continue in the following forms:

      a) convex tv. is producing programs for its on air shows which deal specifically with the question of formats.

      - July 4th: [the .format questionnaire]
      - August 1st: "Formatradio/Radioformat":[.ra_dio]
      - September 5th: "60 in 1" - 60 one minute programs for one hour on air.
      - October 3rd: "24+1" - 24 hours online, one hour on air, all broadcast live
      from test bed.
      - November 7th: "compact discplay"; see c)
      - December 5th: "convex tv. - remixed"

      b) Artists, organizers, editors are invited to discuss the format problem from different perspectives. Moreover this module seeks to find new formats of interaction and broadcasting. These sessions are being broadcast live from test bed.

      c) Artists from several areas are asked to contribute a sound piece that deals with questions of format. "Sound-only"-artists excluded ... All works will be published on a CD, furthermore broadcast and archived on the internet.

      d) [.format] will be compressed into a 24 hour broadcast. Here all previous activities are brought together. These 24 hours seek to simulate a full time internet content program temporarily. The promise of 'broadcasting for all' will be tested here.

      e) The livestreams of the eu*phoria series (www.art-bag.net/pro/euphoria.htm) are being continued, and also focus on musical formats.

      f) The project is being updated and documented at
      http://www.art-bag.net/convextv/format. News can be obtained here.



  1. Mute Life Dept.
    O projecto transdisciplinar Mutelife Dept. continua alojado no Viroserver.
    Páginas novas e actualizações significativas em:


    The transdisciplinar project Mute Life Dept. pages are still hosted by the
    Viroserver. New and updated pages: at:


  1. http://www.stratfor.com/

    "The Internet's most intelligent source of international news and analysis". - A good source for extensive information and analysis on strategy and politics all around the world.

  2. http://w3art.es/accpar/

    Acción Paralela
    Ensayo Teoría e Crítica del Arte contemporaneo (spanish/espanhol). Versão on-line da interessante revista espanhola de ensaio e crítica de arte.

  3. http://www.zingmagazine.com

    Uma revista Nova-Iorquina/ A magazine from New York

    *The format of zingmagazine is comprised of rotating curatorial projects. Each curator is invited to create a context of their choosing for each issue. Among the disciplines that will be explored in this issue are the work of eight young poets, a selection of wood panels from a German painter, the latest record cover musings from—the now infamous Lafayette St culture scions,“Share” new drawings, warning labels—their litany and their humor,PS 1’s documentation of their recent exhibition “Generation Z”, urban youth via “BLT” a photographicseries, our sixth installment ofLutwidge Finch, ANP’s swing on things “Rel(ev)ations,” and the true story of a very unlikely drug smuggler. Lack of parameters or limits is the impetus, with the idea that the creative impulse, within each of the curators/disciplines, will produce individual projects—both of the curators and the participants. Finally, a critical“The Reflections, The Reviews, The Reactions” supplement accompanies each issue, reporting on happenings, shows, readings, publications, renegades, etc.—from Tucson, New Haven, Los Angeles, New York, Brooklyn, London, Stockholm, Geneva, Paris, Boston and elsewhere.*

  4. http://ozone.re-lab.net

    netradio OZOne: uma antevisãolguns dos projectos futuros da virose ;-) / netradio OZOne:an overview on some of the further projects for virose ;-)
    net.radio OZOne LIVE every tuesday night 21.00

  5. http://www.critical-art.net/

    O Critical Art Ensemble é um colectivo de artistas oriundos de diversas áreas e que se dedica a explorar as intersecções entre arte, tecnologia, política radical e teoria crítica. Estiveram muito recentemente em Portugal para participar numa conferência integrada no Festival AtLãntico 99. Critical Art Ensemble is a collective of five artists of various specializations dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, radical politics, and critical theory.