Re: count

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Posted by Andrew on January 02, 2004 at 02:46:21:

In Reply to: Re: count posted by lolita bbs on October 14, 2003 at 22:21:17:

: : : A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned Godward. : : : : - Phillips Brooks : : 1835-1893; US religious leader and renowned preacher : Count Your Blessings : : : : While busy with the challenges of the day, I received a phone call expressing the need to go and visit a man by the name of David. This was not going to be just another day, nor was it going to be just another Hospital visit. : : : : No, this was a visit to the Hospice. : : : : Being a bit irritated that a parking spot could not be found on the street close to the Hospice, I realized the Parking Garage was going to be where I would end up. As I weaved my car around the turns inside, I made my way up to nearly the top to park, and made the trip "all the way" back down again in the elevator. Walking from the Parking Garage to the Hospice, I barely took notice of the beautiful near spring day that God had created for us. : : : : I entered the Hospice unit, and found my way to David's room and knocked slightly on the door. Through the opening in the door I saw David sitting in the corner of the room with his head bowed down, and upon seeing me alertly called my name. Pulling the chair near to his side I sat down for what I thought would be a time of ministry "TO" David, but guess what... David ministered to me! : : : : I looked at his feet and arms which were badly swollen, and into his tired eyes, and realized that he was fighting a battle which none of us would want to fight. : : : : I asked him a question in as sensitive a tone as God would provide..."David, how are you doing?" : : : : With that, David looked me straight in the eyes, and as his eyes began to water, he came out with the words that hit me right between my healthy eyes. : : : : He said emphatically..."GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME!" : : : : A bit stunned, I sat back and said to him "David, you know, there are so many people in this world (including me), that have better health, and are able to go to work, play with their children, yet we complain about everything that breaks us out of our comfort zone." : : : : Needless to say, I felt a sharp sting of conviction for my lack of appreciation for God's blessings in my life, and the wonderful family that are His gifts to me. A song we sang as a boy growing up in church was "Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God hath done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God hath done." : : : : Before leaving I asked him if I could get anything for him. He thought for a brief moment or two, and he shook his head, and said "No, I just want more of God's presence in my life." Is there really any greater request to make? : : : : As we shared and prayed together, I got up to leave, and he took a glance out the window, and said, (emphatically again), "Isn't it a beautiful day!" : : : : I walked out of the Hospice yesterday a different man than when I walked in, and the blessing count is getting real high! : : : : Take a few moments TODAY to count YOUR blessings! : : : : : : - Norman Lawrence : : Creator of My Daily Dose of Inspiration :

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