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Any museum is mere fiction. MOMS does not escape from this rule.

The Revolting the Museum project is intended to orientate the very concept of MOMS ­ within a strategy of mobility that is part of its very existence - towards a reconstruction from the outside, making way for a paradoxical idea of an open museum, without an author, without history and virtually infinite. In essence, opening the museum to the interstices of reality.

This site will act as an embryo of a revolutionised MOMS ­ it will be a place to register short histories, commentaries, thoughts, reactions, news or links that anybody would like to provide on power strategies. Given the institutional character of MOMS, any contribution will instantly acquire the condition of museum piece. Through this process, at the same time as this text is supposedly being preserved and presented, it is also annulled by its inclusion in an institution of a funereal nature.

One of the fundamental ideas of the Revolting the Museum project lies in this twofold active and passive condition that each text will incorporate. Although each contribution is condemned to an instantaneous acceleration that transforms all texts into cadavers (from the moment the SUBMIT button is pressed), on the other hand, the archive's infinite potential for growth and its open nature grant it, at least, a vitality denied to other formulations of the museological concept.
The Museum is dead. Long live the Museum.

more text


This is a www message board, the place to submit commentaries, opinions, analyses, reactions, information and other texts that will immediately become museum pieces. This is the ideal archive for any contribution on the subject of power strategies.
Any contribution directly or indirectly related with the fictional idea of a museum without a body should also be registered here.

[unfortunately, the server [http:www.yourserver.co.uk] that hosted the former Revolting The Museum site is now down (Jan. 2002). So, all the contributions gathered since 1998 were lost for ever. MOMS attained by that way its ultimate condition: impermanence.
The project assumed a circular move and is now starting again the infinite archive requested by the Museum Of Modern Strategy

Would you like to contribute to the exponential expansion of MOMS? Would you like to link it to other sites? Click here.

[The same happened with this board: all the nodes and links were lost by a simple delete operation. This is their rebirth.]

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